
I LOVE free stuff!

My husband is a realtor so sometimes he lists homes that have a bunch of junk left in them.  Well, I really like junk!!!  So, sometimes I find some stuff I have to take home. 

Like this bench...
 Which became this...

And this ugly shelf
 which became this...

 and some other stuff I forgot to take before pictures of...

It beats me why people would abandon such great stuff but I'm sure not going to complain!


  1. I love free stuff're lucky!
    I love that shelf you made over!!

  2. Hi, I love when you make awesome things from "junk". When I was a kid we would ride our bikes to the dump to find treasures. We always came home with something. I love refinishing nice things but my favorite thing to do is fix up junk ha ha.

    1. Is that bench a piano bench? If so is it for sell? Used piano benches are hard to find and new ones are expensive.

  3. Emma- I used to love going to the dump too. Can you imagine if they let kids in the dump now?! They might get stabbed by a meth needle or something. My, how things change.

    Emily- Yes, it is for sale! It's $50. Someday I will get my blog organized. I just never want to take the time.

  4. Did you sell the piano bench? I need one as I am going to start teaching my son ... and the one that was with the piano ended up being broken after it was tipped over years ago when my sister and I were arguing about who got to play the piano.
