
The most amazing thing happened today!

Today while shopping at DI (local thrift store) this pot caught my eye.

It reminded me of the beautiful pots my brother made while he was in high school.  He passed away 15 years ago & I'm lucky enough to have some of his pots in my this one.
So, imagine my suprise when I turned over the pot and saw my brothers signature on the bottom!  In the thrift store!  How it ended up there, I have no idea!  I would love to know the story behind this little pot.  But, what are the odds that a pot my brother made in 1986 would end up in the store in my town (where he didn't live) and that I would happen to visit the store and find it?  WOW!  So I paid $1.50 for this priceless treasure! 


  1. no! way! that is so amazing!

  2. What an amazing experience! I can't even begin to think how wonderful that would be. Congrats for finding such treasures!

  3. Holy moly! That is INCREDIBLE! What a blessing!!

  4. Seriously amazing. I think you were MEANT to have the pot. So neat, thanks for sharing.

  5. That is incredible! You were meant to find them.

  6. How sweet is that. I too am a potter and sold my pottery in Colorado. Five years ago I returned to the East coast to help my family and have not returned to my pottery like I want to however a friend googled me and found a pot of mine from my college days on EBay and bought it for me. It now sits on my desk urging me to start throwing again!
