
Girlie Pink and Removing some STANK!

 This "oh so cute" dresser started out as a stinky scary  mess. It had this really hard-to-describe odor that the owner and I are pretty sure came from some sort of drug paraphernalia.  I even found a seed in the dresser and googled "marijuana seed" just to see what they look like.  But that wasn't it.  It was kind of a sweet smell, but not in a good way.  Oh, and there was a black resin type stuff in the drawers.  ?????

So, this smell had to go.  I broke out the Kiltz Original spray prime with odor blocker and used it on the WHOLE dresser.  I'm talking inside, outside, and all the way around.  There wasn't one square inch that I didn't hit. Then I painted black inside the dresser and on the drawers in case this little princess should decide to paint a different color someday.  That way only the outside will need to be re-painted.  Plus, the black looks really cute with the hot pink.  ;)   
 See the drawer that's half the size it should be?  It was cut down with the face front screwed on.  Hmmmm?  Drug hiding spot?  Did I mention this dresser belonged to a bunch of college guys?  Maybe they just wore a lot of stinky Cologne and needed a place to stash valuables.  :) ha ha

Linked toPrimitive and Proper


  1. I am not a fan of pink but good Lord, this is gorgeous! maybe I will give YOUR pink a chance :) great work!!!

  2. how is that for some serious drama! so fun!
