
Every College Girl Needs a Cute Desk!

 Yup, this desk is going away to school with my daughter.  (See her other furniture here.)

 I need to show you the moulding along the bottom.  This is my super lazy way to fix...
 THIS!  I really wasn't in the mood to patch and replace messed up, splitting wood.   

So I cheated and just covered it up.  (I do this a lot.  He he)
 See?  All better.
Here's the before of the chair. 
I love doing chairs.  It's always such a drastic difference.

1 comment:

  1. I love your cheat cover up! I am going to use this on a cabinet I have but for a different reason. I have always hated furniture that has an opening in the front where dust and trash and all manner of things can get pushed, rolled and kicked underneath. This is the remedy I have been looking for. I am also planning to buy a trunk I have had my eye on at a local thrift store, and I plan on following your example for that. I just found you today via pinterest, and I am really excited about reading more!
    Jan Jones
