
New Chairs for Hubby's Office

My husband's office is the embarassment of my house...and it's the most visible room from the front.  In fact, if you come to my house & I forget to close the shutters you could just peek right in from the porch.  Just to be clear, my husband is very organized and keeps it tidy.  It's just that it's a bunch of mismatched, junkie, crap furniture thrown in along with a few lopsided pictures on the wall. It doesn't exactly represent "Double Take Decor" very well.  So, I've been looking for some new furniture so I can spruce things up a little and
 A few days later these chairs came into my life for $10 each!

I can't wait to get started on the desk!  Then I just need to put in wood floors, put up crown moulding, paint, find a rug, etc etc etc.  and we will have an office to be proud of.  Pretty sure my husband wishes I would just let him do his work and leave his office alone. LOL. He married the wrong girl!

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