
Oh Christmas Tree(s)!

In our home we have "our" tree, and we have "mom's" tree.  The story of how this began is quite sad.  I was a young mom and it would drive me CRAZY to have my daughter help decorate the tree.  I would try rearranging when she wasn't looking but somehow she always knew when I moved something.  So one year I got this bright idea to decorate while she was sleeping and she would be so happy & suprised when she woke up!  She woke up.  She cried.  Then I cried.  I decided a well balanced tree with all the perfect decorations wasn't so important after all.  So this is the family tree now.
 It has colorful lights because "white lights aren't festive". 
 The kids love to find the ornaments they've made over the years and compete for the most visible place to display them.

 I have my own tree that I get to decorate however I want.  I love it, but if I had to choose between the two, it would be the one filled with memories, and sweet handmade ornaments.

1 comment:

  1. We have two trees too. And one has all of the children's ornaments, and the other has the general family ornaments... One has white lights and the other has colored. One has poinsettia branches tucked here and there, the other is covered with hand-crocheted garland. But, the children's tree is in the school room, and the ornaments on it are the ones that they get each year from their grandparents and from DH and I.... With five children, and even though the oldest is only eleven, there are already more ornaments than is easily imagined... Those are the ornaments that the children will take with them when they are grown and gone to homes of their own, starting their own families... I have collected and been given a lot of blown glass ornaments since DH and I have been married, so since we all want to see our ornaments on a tree each year, and since we have the space?? I figured why not? The children decorate their tree, all by themselves... So they can surprise DH and I with their artistry.... :-) all that to say you are not the only family with two or more trees... And it is really okay.....
