
What I Wore Wednesday...

My mom was telling me about blogs like this, where people show a picture of the outfit they wore on a certain day.  They all look so adorable and it really just makes me want to go shopping (or lose 20 lbs and then go shopping). I thought about linking up, but wasn't sure if the followers would understand.  But, I knew all you other DYIers out there would!  Without further ado here is "What I Wore Wednesday".  (my poor, poor, husband)
I should have shown a close-up of my fingernails.  It's usually a mixture of gorilla glue and various paint colors, cut extremely short in an effort to clean the paint & stain that makes its way under them.  Lovely, huh?

On the bright side, I don't have to do much to get compliments on my appearance.  For example, a shower & clean pair of clothes and my family notices.  Ha ha. What did you wear on Wednesday?

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