
Success or Epic Failure?

I have this place in my hallway that I've been trying to decorate.  Nothing seems tall enough for the area.  So I had this brilliant idea (or maybe not) to add legs to an armoire.  Hmmm.

I bought this table because I LOVED the legs and planned on using them for something.
 The armoire is only 5 ft tall to begin with.
 And here it is... My kids think it looks like some of the talking furniture from Beauty & the Beast. I'm still not sure what I think. 
 Crown moulding was added to the top to balance out the bottom.

 View without legs...                                                            View with legs...
 What do you think?!  It weighs a ton so I don't want to make my husband lug it upstairs until I'm sure.  Please give me your input!!!
Linked to grabtt


  1. i'm sorry, but i don't like it. it looks like it's wearing highwaters. (which, in europe is hip). i just think it looks funny. but you have a better eye than i, so don't really count my opinion.

  2. ps the paint job itself is beautiful...:)

  3. Awesome, Kelli! Highwaters. I love the paint, too. My dad saw it today and asked when I was going to paint it. Ha ha

  4. I love the legs but not on the armoire. I also love the crown moulding and how it adds to the armoire. Maybe that was the real purpose of the legs - to give you the idea of the moulding?
    I'm also impressed with the extensive distressing job you did on the paint. That was a lot of work! Well done! Happy new armoire!

  5. I think it looks fine. If we knew what we were doing we wouldn't be on here looking at and buying your stuff. We would be doing it ourself. My daughter has bought some beautiful things from you. If it is staying where you have it just move the wall hanging out from the back. Love the paint also.

  6. You are all so nice! Thanks for your input! Umm a women has the right to ask everyone's opinion and then do whatever she wants anyway, right? I think it's growing on me. I think I might be growing attached to the legs. (Maybe it's just my rebellious side asserting itself!) Lance is going to need to carry it upstairs so I can ponder some more. Ha ha. Love you all!

  7. What if you added a shelf about 3 inches or so from the bottom? Just a thought. I'm glad you are happy with your creation after all the work you had to put into it!

  8. i think i like it better without the legs but i love it painted for sure! the white softens it!

  9. I just found your blog via Restore the armoire, but think it looks better without the legs. I have had many projects that looked better "in my head" than they did after I actually finished them...but hey, if you like, I say go for it! You are the one that has to look at it everyday!

  10. Love love love the paint job!! Not so sure about the legs, I do not dislike them at all. I like furniture off the floor. The idea from Meg (above) sounds very interesting. Adding a shelf or something to break up the open space created by the legs.

    Whatever you decide would be fine - as it is a gorgeous piece!!!

    Great Job!

  11. I don't know if it's possible...but what about shortening the legs? I love 'em, but I think it may just be too tall. The distressing is GOR-GEOUS! :)

    Maggie @

  12. I love the paint job you did! But I do like it better without the legs. I'm thinking it may be because the legs add bulkiness to the bottom, if the legs were thinner I believe I would like it. But if it's growing on you by all means keep it!

  13. I think it's super cool and crazy creative and the paint...oh so nice!

  14. Oh and can you tell me how you added the legs?? I have an old armoire where the legs were sawed off. Not sure how to go about putting them back on...thinking dowels??

  15. I was actually going to suggest the same as Meg did above. I think if you could find some shelves the same width, you could maybe put some slide some baskets in. I like the legs but I think they would look better on something else. Bun feet might look good? Great job though. It looks lovely :)

  16. I love the armoire, but I don't like the legs on it. They look too bulky for the femininity of the piece. Someone else above suggested a different leg, and I would agree.....something lighter, less bulky would be beautiful. Your paint job is gorgeous, though.

  17. You gave new life to this trusty armoire and goodness knows there is nothing like an armoire for storage.

    I'm your newest follower. Please stop by and say hi.

  18. Seems like it's missing something. Maybe a basket underneath, between the legs?

    I like it...very unique!!! :)

  19. I love the distressed paint job. I love the armoire! I love the scale of the legs. I think they are too tall, though. How about cutting them shorter? If you look from the top of the leg down and cut at the bottom of the first urn - I think it will be exactly what the armoire needs.

  20. Okay, I know this is an older post but I just barely discovered your blog and immediately fell in love with it, so I was going through ALL the posts. I cannot help but comment on this, and I know I am the minority, but I absolutely LOVE the legs on this. I love the bulkiness, height, everything in combo with armoire. Match made in heaven. It turned it into one of a kind piece and as I was going back and forth between with and without legs- it actually looked weird without the legs! I wouldn't change a thing. Just had to say it.

  21. Hey anonymous! It's so funny that you would comment today! I actually just bought a new armoire to go in my hallway and now I'm trying to decided what to do with this one! Ha ha. I got tired of it.
