
Antique (or old anyway!) dresser

 As usual, this project was well on it's way before I remembered to take a before pic.  This white version is after quite a bit of sanding and patching, believe it or not.  It was HAMMERED!  I thought I'd try a soft grey, but then my mom decided she wanted it, and requested this brown finish (one of my favorites). I thought it might be a little dramatic for this dainty piece but it turned out beautiful. It looks so grown up now!

Project linked to: grabtt


  1. What a lovely piece! I'm sure your mom will enjoy it!

  2. oh i loooove that finish! love that dark chocolatey smooth look- it gives it a modern edge!

  3. Wow...What a fab piece to begin with. I love the color you chose and your mother most be so pleased that this is hers!

    Take care,
