
New Red Table & Chairs

Grrr...I actually remembered to take before pics of this table, but they were deleted from my camera before I downloaded them!  This is the dining set in my house.  It used to be a light maple top, with dark brown chairs and leggs.  I wanted it to be RED of course!  Now it matches the barstools and hutch, previously painted!


  1. Very nice work! It looks perfect in your kitchen!

  2. I absolutely love all of the red. It makes your kitchen so much fun!

  3. Love this! and I am looking to paint my table and chairs red. If you don’t mind me asking what color red did you use and did you use black or brown antiquing wax over it to seal it?

  4. New red table chairs" likely refers to recently acquired red chairs for a dining table or seating area. Using Sony Tv This phrase highlights the introduction of these fresh additions to the furniture collection, potentially bringing a pop of color and style to the space.
